Our journey as parents of 3 miraculous children. Our 10 year old Gender-Variant son, and our 7 & 5 year old sons. When you are told "It's a boy", you assume certain things about your child's personality and future. Boy were we wrong! These are our stories of discovery, about our children, ourselves and the love that holds us all together.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

We have been waiting... for a friend like you.

For my son, finding that best friend has been a hard task.  We homeschool which makes it a little harder, he refuses to take formal classes, and our weekly homeschool parkday hasn't resulted in that hard and fast friend that I really think he needs.  He loves hanging out with his brothers, and makes friends readily with all the children who come to our house frequently, but I think there are times when he desperately wants to be understood completely.  I was praying that he would find this friend when we started going to the Children's Hospital LA gender support group.

I got butterflies when I saw him hanging out with a child his age in the tree house.  When I spoke to the child, I was thrilled that she was a kind and respectful spirit.  On the drive home, I asked the kids "Who was the girl in the tree house?"
"Was she nice?"
"Yes.  She is the only person we really played with today."
"Oh.  Do you want to come back and play with her next time?"
"Thank goodness" I thought.  Maybe, just maybe, she will be the one.  I was excited to hear that Jane went home and told her friends about my son, and that she was excited too.  It has been a few months and I am thrilled to say that the kids continue to talk about "Jane" and we are all excited to play this weekend at our upcoming support group.  I hope that they can provide the connection for each other that is so needed in childhood, a friend who just "gets you". 

Fingers crossed.

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